
The Case of the Missing Oreos

By Erin Stolle, Publisher - Macaroni Kid Alpharetta/Roswell/Milton February 15, 2015

Perhaps you can relate to this story, as I have spoken to many a parent about the extreme differences between our first and second children. You've seen those articles and images outlining the first child as being cautious and reliable, a bit reserved but also a people pleaser. The next child couldn't be more opposite. He's the one that is a bit (okay, a whole lot) more self-centered, very funny, social and verbal, and knows just how to work a situation. 

Since I only have the two, I'll have to stop there, but I know there is a lot of research to back up these findings. I can certainly confirm that this scenario only speaks truth in my home of two boys.

So today, my 4-year-old, second-born child, decided he wanted a snack. Okay, no big deal, right? The problem was his choice of snack...a single package of mini oreos...and the time of the ask....about 5:00 PM. He went over to the pantry, found his treat and then found himself in a predicament. He doesn't know how to open the bag. So with confidence oozing out of his pores, he walked over to my husband and asked him to open his snack. My husband's response was direct, "We're too close to dinner. Go put that back."

The wheels turned in my son's head. He's at that age where you can literally see them turning - he hasn't learned the poker face....yet! He made a beeline for me and asked me if I would open it for him. Since I was in the same room as my husband and had been present for the previous ask, all I had to do was give him the "It ain't gonna happen" look. 

You'd think he'd give up at this point, but here's where his second-born tenacity kicks in. He tucks the package of oreos close to his body and heads to the basement door. You see, his older brother, who has 4 years on him and quite a bit more dexterity, was hanging out in the basement.

Unfortunately for my little man, those wheels in his head can be read loud and clear and I knew just what he was up to. My husband was steps behind him and found him downstairs. After looking around for a minute, my husband then looked at our son. Our son looked back, threw his hands out in front of him in a questioning manner and asked "What?" His hands were empty. 

After walking around the end table by which our son was standing, my husband noticed the unopened package of oreos hiding on the bottom shelf of the table. You see, in fear that his plot was about to be uncovered, he quickly tossed the cookies aside hoping no one would notice.

Finally realizing his defeat, he brought the oreos back upstairs and placed them back in the pantry.

We may have won the battle this time, but know we're in for it with this kiddo. My husband always says to hide your wallets and lock up your daughters. This one's a charmer and is going to keep us on our toes!

Ah, the world of parenthood. Never a dull moment!

So here's to a wonderful week of staying on your toes and outwitting those kiddos of ours!
