
Why to NOT Take Your Toddler to the OB/GYN!

January 21, 2013
I'm at that stage in my life where I have a child that's too young to go to mother's morning out, so he's with me ALL THE TiME!  Yes, I know many of you can feel my pain, where the only time I have a break is when I go to the gym.  And really, how much of a break is that when I spend my "free time" sweating and enduring crazy excercises made up by the way-too-perky instructors (you know I love you, Carrie M!)? 

So, because my adorably-cute companion is always by my side, he gets to accompany me on all my errands, including doctor appointments.  Yep, even to the OB/GYN, that all-time favorite of all us ladies where we must put our vanity aside and strip down to our birthday suits.  Am I the only one that thinks that paper cropped jacket is barely worth the effort?  Sure, you have that piece of paper to cover your lap, but how much does that really help? 

This past week, I was reminded why bringing your rambunctious and gregarious 2-year-old should be avoided if at all possible.  If not possible, like in my situation, just be aware of what fun and surprises may await you.

First, I'm instructed to "leave a sample." We made our way to the bathroom (why not, I never go by myself anyway!), and I prepare the lovely plastic cup, all while having to make sure my son doesn't stick his hands in the toilet, hazardous waste can, or knock over all of the perfectly stacked plastic cups.  Ah yes, the life of a mother....the ultmate multi-tasker!

Step 1, not so bad.  We then head to the scale, and check my blood pressure and iron.  With no understanding to keep his voice down, he marches around the hallway pointing and asking "What's that?  What's that?  What's that?"  The nurse and I tried to explain everything to him "like he was a 2-year-old," again multi-tasking.  Okay, maybe that's not so bad either.

The next part, well, let me just tell you about it.  The nurse walks us to the exam room (I think he only knocked one blood pressure cuff off the wall on the way there), and shows me the attire I must change into.  She leaves the room, I make sure my guy has plenty of snacks to keep him happy for the next bit, and I start to get ready for the doctor.  Of course when my son sees me getting undressed, he announces loudly that "Mama's going pee-pee!"  Sigh.  Maybe only the patients in the adjoining rooms heard his announcement. 

I then hop onto the examination table and wait for the door to open, the doctor to walk in, and get this awkward appointment over with!  So there I am in all my paper-covered glory when my son throws his snacks on the floor, pulls the blood pressure cuff off the wall and then proceeds to OPEN THE DOOR!  Why do they put lever handles on those doors???  I sit, horrified, hoping 1) that my son doesn't run out of the room, 2) that a nurse walks by and closes the door for me, or 3) that I can get my son to close the door so I can have my privacy and dignity!  Luckily after about 30 seconds (seemed like 30 minutes!), my darling child closed the door without having exposed his mother.  Phew. 

I was thankful to see the doctor walk in shortly after so we could get the show on the road.  Luckily, my son only did the "What's that?  What's that?  What's that?" routine during the rest of the exam which only provided a humorous tone to the otherwise uncomfortable check-up. 

We were out of there quickly thereafter and I swore to myself that this was the last year I'd have a little man accompany me to my annual appointment.  I may have been horrified during the appointment, but I now retell the story with the ability to laugh at the situation.  I suppose this is the way we have to look at the unpredictability that comes with parenthood.  After all, they say laughter is the best medicine!

Have a great week, and remember to just keep laughing! 

PS - If this made you chuckle at all or you can relate, forward this newsletter to a friend that doesn't know about our great resource.  You may bring a smile to them and help them reconnect with their kids through our amazing list of events and activities!