
Win! Movie, Popcorn, Drink and Round of Golf

Check out our February Subscriber Drive and Contest!

February 6, 2012

Ha ha!  I've been laying out the articles for this week's newsletter and was having fun finding all of these cool Valentine crafts and treats to share with you.  And then, I had to throw in the dental hygiene article!  I suppose they go hand-in-hand, and perhaps it's not a coincidence that dental hygiene month is the same as our "sweetest" month!  Anywho....I hope you enjoy!

But, onto the excitement this week!  There's nothing that I love more than helping people.  I am so fortunate to have found the Macaroni Kid opportunity.  It not only gives me the ability to think of something other than kids, laundry, and the amount of laundry that my kids create, but I also feel like I'm helping parents out in my own little way.  I love to hear your "thank yous" and meet you at events around town.  It's really a rewarding experience for me and I have YOU to thank! 

Here comes the selfish part....I love our subscribers SO much that I want MORE of them!  And, there's something in it for you!  Through the month of February, I am having a Subscriber Drive and a contest to go along with it!  Here are the details:

What you have to do to win: REFER YOUR FRIENDS and get them to subscribe to Macaroni Kid ARM.  They can do that here.

What they have to do for you to win: Make sure they put YOUR NAME in the "How'd You Hear About Us" box when they sign up.

What you win: The person who refers the most new subscribers through the month of February 2012 will win a movie ticket, small popcorn and small drink to Aurora Cineplex, and a free round of miniature golf at The Fringe.

Where to start: Tell everyone you know about Macaroni Kid - think of your circles (church, school, sports, clubs).  Anyone, male or female, who's a parent or caregiver of a child ages 0-18 is perfect subscriber material!

I'll keep track of those of you whose names I see when a new subscriber comes in.  The person whose name is entered most WINS! 

Good luck and happy referringAnd of course, have a great week!
